Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Encouraging words

I had a couple of people drop by my office today to offer encouraging words. And I had a couple of phone calls yesterday and today with words of encouragement. God's blessings are always there!

One of the people to talk to me today was a lady who began coming to our church because she would bring her mother who lived with her. "Sally" had been baptized as a child in a Baptist church but didn't really get involved. However, coming with her mother to our church got her interested in spiritual things again. Sally decided that she wanted to be more involved and joined our church a couple of years ago. Not long afterward, her elderly mother died, but Sally has gotten even more involved. She was soooo disappointed to hear about the problems at the church--she had no idea that others were so dissatisfied. She told me today that because of this she doesn't even want to come anymore and doesn't want to go to church anywhere because of how Christians treat one another. What do you say to help someone who has been so disappointed in the actions of others in the church? So disappointed that they don't want to have anything to do with the local church again?

Sally also told me that she thought it was the best for us to be "movin' on"--she has had a hard time living with the people of our town since her husband was transferred here 9 years ago.

Monday, August 27, 2007

A Few more Sundays

Interestingly enough, in our studies in Romans we came to chapter 14 on Sunday (yesterday). I titled my message, "What do we do when Christians disagree?" The issues that caused the disagreements in Paul's day are different than what cause disagreements today--not too many of us in the U.S. worry about eating meat sacrificed to idols--but the principles for handling those disagreements still apply today.

Several people commented to me that it was a great sermon and too bad others weren't there to hear it--yes, too bad, but God had His plan on my teaching on that passage yesterday and for those who were there.

Several people also commented on how sad they were that we were "movin' on." The next few weeks will be tough--my last Sunday is Sept. 16

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Movin' On

Well, I am joining the Twenty-First Century--I am starting a blog. I remember a pastor a few years ago encouraging other pastors to create a blog to share their thoughts and interactions with others. So here I go!

Why "Movin' On' for the title of my blog? Because I have served as pastor of First Baptist Church, La Junta, CO, for the last 3 1/2 years, and now God is moving us on to bigger and better things! I resigned this past Monday night (I know, Pastor's aren't supposed to resign on Mondays) after a very stressful past few weeks. It was evident that things weren't going to turn around in the church, and so I felt led to 'move on.'

I thought I would write about this transition time in our lives--I am married to a wonderful supportive wife, Karen--we have been married for over 33 years--and she has always stuck with me through all the other "movin' on" times in our lives.

That's it for now.
Paul Gleason