Saturday, August 25, 2007

Movin' On

Well, I am joining the Twenty-First Century--I am starting a blog. I remember a pastor a few years ago encouraging other pastors to create a blog to share their thoughts and interactions with others. So here I go!

Why "Movin' On' for the title of my blog? Because I have served as pastor of First Baptist Church, La Junta, CO, for the last 3 1/2 years, and now God is moving us on to bigger and better things! I resigned this past Monday night (I know, Pastor's aren't supposed to resign on Mondays) after a very stressful past few weeks. It was evident that things weren't going to turn around in the church, and so I felt led to 'move on.'

I thought I would write about this transition time in our lives--I am married to a wonderful supportive wife, Karen--we have been married for over 33 years--and she has always stuck with me through all the other "movin' on" times in our lives.

That's it for now.
Paul Gleason


Joylene Green said...

I am glad you are blogging too!

Love you!

john said...

why would anyone want to do this anyway?