Sunday, October 14, 2007

Going to Church

After I typed the title of this post, I remembered a quote that I heard on the radio this past week when I was traveling. It was something like this, "Too often people just think of 'going to church' instead of 'being the church.'" Anyway, I was going to write about 'going to church' this morning--I think you know what I mean by that. We went to the Mennonite church around the corner from us as they had asked me to speak. As we sat in the adult Sunday School class of about 10 people (with everyone older than us), I was again reminded of the state of mature Christians in the church. I wondered how long the older people had been Christians and reflected on the questions and answers during the discussion. There seemed to be a lack of spiritual insight in the discussion considering the age of the participants.

I had thought previously that it might be nice if a church in the area asked me to be their pastor so that we wouldn't have to move. But after being with this church today, I am excited about the possibility of going to a church that is only a year old. Many established churches, like this particular one, are just too "old fashioned" for me, I guess. I hope that the people of the Fort Bragg church are willing to be a bit more contemporary. We will see....

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