Thursday, November 1, 2007

Hangin' in there!

When people ask how I'm doing, one of my responses is "Oh, I'm hangin' in there." And sometimes it feels like I have a better grip on things than at other times. It's amazing how easily Satan can get us defeated when things are not going well. During these times we have to keep recalling God's faithfulness and goodness. I like to read the Psalms at times like these because they are constant reminders that we need to remember His mercy and kindness to us.
What's your favorite passage to read during tough times?

1 comment:

Joylene Green said...

well, I like to read Psalms too but other than that I like the minor prophets because they usually are lamenting injustice, and then Philippians b/c Paul reminds us you can be content in Jesus in the midst of crazy circumstances. wow.